Looking for a fun cookbook with delicious and easy recipes?
Who can resist downhome southern cooking? In Texas, the best cookbooks come from churches and women's organizations willing to share their recipes. Come and Dine is no exception. Alongside delicious, easy recipes, enjoy fun stories, tips, and cute artwork. Why for a potluck or a holiday? Get your copy today. Published by Radical Women.
In the southern states of the USA, everyone knows one thing—church ladies, and sometimes church men, know how to cook. Meetings, especially among women, seldom occur without some sort of food. This practice transfers to civil groups, so in the south, it’s uncommon for groups to meet without the famous potluck lunch or dinner. No one signs up or specifies what food they plan to bring. He or she may not know until the morning of the event, but potlucks somehow always work. The beauty of sharing food with others comes from the early church and continues today with huge success.
Many of the recipes come from generations of family and friends, and most of the time the cooks enjoy sharing them. Thus, the compilations of church and civic organization cookbooks
became a thing. Used and given as gifts, these often represent the most-used cookbooks in families all over the South.
In this Bluff Dale Baptist Church edition of shared recipes, a group of cooks shared stories, memories, and favorite Bible verses. From appetizers to desserts, enjoy trying something new or an old favorite. And why not pass on the tradition of getting an extra copy of Come and Dine for a friend or family member? Then plan an event and see what happens when you announce potluck