I had the honor of interviewing with Jim Masters on December 5, 2023. You can listen to the podcast with the embedded file above. Please feel free to share and contact me with questions. Enjoy
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Writing Retreat for Fall 2021
Weekend Writing Retreat Radical Writers fall 2021 writing retreat is now available for online registration. BUY TICKETS NOW Sell tickets online with Ticketleap

Habits – Hard to Form; Easy to Break
Habits, good and bad, take a minimum of 21 days to form. Given 30 days, a habit becomes more likely to stick. I used to be consistent with my posts. Somehow, I got out of the habit. I’m not sure why that happened. Taking on too many projects. Getting lazy. Making other things a priority. […]

Behind and Missing Opportunities–Welcome to 2016
As we approach the middle of January, I’m already behind on my 2016 goal to blog regularly. A new year of opportunity already in full swing and I missed some of it. If I may be so bold, my entire life feels behind. I started the New Year behind. Am I a bit frustrated? Absolutely—even […]

The Irony of Self-Discipline
Discipline. The very word sends heartbeats to a higher rate, instantly raising blood pressure. No one really likes discipline; we seldom ask for it. So the thought of invoking discipline upon myself rarely sends me into spurts of rapture. Yet, maturity demands my ability to control my own behaviors, attitudes, even thoughts. Why then, do […]

God’s Point of View About Me
Writers often talk about point of view – also known as POV. When writing from a point of view, I tell the story from that character’s perspective. In life, our own POV lacks luster. Of course, to stay in a character’s point of view, I can only describe my looks based on what I see. […]

Paradigm Shift – I am a Writer
My name is Lisa, and I’m a writer. I didn’t always feel that way. A paradigm shift happened over time. Not so long ago and in a place quite near, when asked, “What do you do for a living?” my answer came with a sigh. “I’m a business analyst.” Depending on who did the asking, […]