Holding Back
In life, circumstances come—good and bad. Cursed by our humanity, we fall to a dreaded disease called holding back from our destiny.
The prophet Jeremiah stated God has plans for us, and they are plans for good, not destruction. (Jeremiah 29:11) Many times, we forget that truth as the stuff of life consumes our energy. I got to write some amazing stories, which left me embarrassed to admit my whining excuses for why I didn’t do… Fill in the blank, because we all make excuses. People with disabilities who don’t stop in spite of them inspire me. Jeanette (The Third Step) and Robert (Living Outside of Tiny Boxes) both fall into this group for me. Yet of all the stories I’ve read or heard, Nick Vujicic amazes me most. How can I whine about my life when I watch him?
When I find my true identity in Jesus Christ, barriers fall. I can do all things in him. God doesn’t see me like I am, but only as he planned for me from before my birth. When I grasp that, no single thing can hold me back. God placed within my DNA a desire and talent for writing. When I reached a point to call myself by the name my Father called me, a writer, I got serious about fulfilling the dream of writing.
What holds you back from fulfilling your destiny, designed for you by the Creator of the universe? Is anything too big for him? Watch Nick and choose to overcome anything that prevents living according to God’s plan in your life.
Man with No Arms and Legs Goes on Oprah to Share the Gospel! from keephopealive on GodTube.
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