Tag Archives: mindset shift

Especially during this COVID-19 outbreak-think of others

COVID-19 – The Deeper Dangers

COVID-19 may sneak up and claim my life. It’s possible – though not likely. I don’t take this illness lightly. Despite a good immune system, I self-isolated almost two weeks ago, spending the majority of time at home. As a diabetic, I don’t want to risk my health. Fortunately, I work from home anyway. So […]

2019 Cover Design Revised

Homeless Hearts Progress Update

After many years, starts and stops, I am finally almost finished. By this time tomorrow, if all goes as planned, Homeless Hearts will be available for purchase. I’m thrilled to be almost finished with this project and excited about seeing what comes next. Most of all, I’m excited to share the things God gave me […]

Bible with Holiday

Thanksgiving 2017 – a Season for Gratitude

On Thanksgiving Prep Day I like to call today Thanksgiving prep day. Tomorrow is the actual holiday, but as I prepare for tomorrow with baking, cleaning – all that stuff we women tend to do, I am thankful. Thanksgiving should never be one day a year though. In reality, thanksgiving comes from a heart attitude. […]

Journey to healing

Preview to Homeless Hearts -Read the Introduction

Homeless Hearts – Coming Soon For many years I worked on this book, Homeless Hearts. I’m still working–editing and rewriting. This isn’t a book about physical homelessness, but about the heart condition that keeps people on the street long-term and, ironically, the same conditions that keep the rest of us living with a homeless heart […]

Talk about life changes--fast ones at that.

Life Changes – Reject, Accept, Embrace Changes Affecting Your Life

Life changes. Pure and simple. Changes happen in every life. They may come often or rarely, and every one of us handles changes differently. My life changes story June 2015, I left a corporate job to pursue writing full time. I planned that change, saved for it and waited patiently for my last day to […]

Good habits help with distress.

Habits – Hard to Form; Easy to Break

Habits, good and bad, take a minimum of 21 days to form. Given 30 days, a habit becomes more likely to stick. I used to be consistent with my posts. Somehow, I got out of the habit. I’m not sure why that happened. Taking on too many projects. Getting lazy. Making other things a priority. […]

The Blame Game

The Blame Game and a Homeless Heart

Oh how we love playing the Blame Game. It all started in the Garden of Eden. Fortunately, one king resisted the urge and took responsibility for his mistakes. King David made some extremely bad choices—not being where he should have been, adultery, cover-up and even conspiracy to commit murder. And he pretty much got away […]

In need of perfect love.

Perfect Love

I plan to post something more personal later this week. But I’m excited about the #Perfect Love Conference this weekend.  This event is primarily intended to raise awareness about human trafficking, learning what we can do to help and challenging us to take action. I can’t help but believe the Lord is up to more. […]

From Procrastination to Complacency

We call it procrastination, a nasty habit often ending in defeat. Did you ever notice how a day becomes a week? Then the week turns into months. Before long, several months pass and those things you meant to do never get finished. I’m guilty.But maybe—just maybe—this thing of procrastination goes much deeper than putting things […]

Homelessness isn't always physical.

Homeless Hearts-Journey into a Homeless Heart

“We will never end homelessness until we deal with issues of the heart.” Excerpts from Chapter 1 Lori’s words rang through my mind and stuck there as an unforgettable memory I’d rather forget. I looked into the faces and eyes of people at the shelter. Some smiled and seemed rather joyful while others oozed pain […]