Homeless Hearts – Coming Soon For many years I worked on this book, Homeless Hearts. I’m still working–editing and rewriting. This isn’t a book about physical homelessness, but about the heart condition that keeps people on the street long-term and, ironically, the same conditions that keep the rest of us living with a homeless heart […]
Tag Archives: True Identity
Mother’s Day—Humbug
Mother’s Day came and went. For me a bittersweet day, having my kids, but missing my mother. In spite of all the imperfections, I never doubted her love for me. In her last years, she kept two books nearby. One my sister wrote and the other, I did. When anyone entered the room, she proudly […]
Monarch Butterfly Release
This past weekend I attended a wonderful event – A Time to Flutter. At the end of our time together on Saturday, we held a Monarch butterfly release. If you never experienced a butterfly release, put it on your bucket list. Butterflies don’t all behave the same way. Some move very slowly, waiting and waiting […]
Running the Race of Life
Life sometimes feels like a very fast-paced race, and I am running the race. But am I running well? At the end of the day I long to say with the Apostle Paul, “I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race. I have remained faithful.” (2 Timothy 4:7, CJB) Fighting the good […]
Paradigm Shift – I am a Writer
My name is Lisa, and I’m a writer. I didn’t always feel that way. A paradigm shift happened over time. Not so long ago and in a place quite near, when asked, “What do you do for a living?” my answer came with a sigh. “I’m a business analyst.” Depending on who did the asking, […]
Facing Disappointment
“We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope.”– Martin Luther King, Jr. Disappointment Happens Has life ever disappointed you? Sounds like a no-brainer kind of question. Most days bring some form of disappointment. From the wrong weather to the failed dream, we face frustration and disillusionment of all types. The source […]
Treading Water in a Stormy Sea
Some days, life feels like falling into the middle of the ocean—while a storm hangs in the air. Wind whips the water into huge waves, surrounding me, pulling down into the depths. I keep treading water, sometimes wondering if I’m going under. Treading water keeps me afloat, with a few bobbles under. Then I exert […]
Seeing A Father’s Love
I grew up not quite certain of a father’s love. Later I understood. We spoke different love languages, but he indeed loved me. The earthly relationship between a father and daughter sometimes distorts our view of the Heavenly Father. In addition, we attended a church who talked about giving God the glory. I thought we […]
Intentional Living in 2013
Here we are, halfway through January—not the very beginning of the year, yet early enough to review 2012 and look ahead to 2013. Still time to adopt intentional living. Looking back at 2012 At first glance, I view last year as much better than 2011—a personal emotional roller coaster ride year. Deaths, births, and everything […]
What Is Passion?
No other word so quickly takes the mind to a sexual connotation in our culture. But passion runs much deeper. Ironically, when you look up passion in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the first entry refers to the suffering of Christ between the night of the Last Supper and His death. Sexual desire falls way down at […]