Intentional Living in 2013
Here we are, halfway through January—not the very beginning of the year, yet early enough to review 2012 and look ahead to 2013. Still time to adopt intentional living.
Looking back at 2012
At first glance, I view last year as much better than 2011—a personal emotional roller coaster ride year. Deaths, births, and everything in between made that one a memorable year. I can so easily focus on the negatives. At the end of 2011, someone made a comment about it being a tough year for me. While I went through many hard times, I also watched two babies arrive safely and a third one on his way. I left a corporate job and pursued writing full-time. Everything taken into account, I experienced a lot of positive events that year.
As I review 2012, I get caught up in so many things I wanted to do but didn’t get accomplished. Remembering my response to 2011, I choose instead to look at what I did last year.
I rejoined my old corporation, on a somewhat more limited basis, and accomplished more tasks than I want to remember. In the writing world, I’ve not met all my goals, but two books and numerous articles written, helping writers and coaching three writing groups, learning more about writing… Let’s just say I’ve made some great strides.
Looking ahead at 2013
I still have goals—ones not met last year, top priority now, and new ones yet to begin. How do I move forward with hopes of accomplishing more than last year? During my quiet time one morning, I read Ecclesiastes 12. This book has a lot of negativity to it, not the way I want to look in my final years on this earth. The word “intentional” came to mind and hung there, a challenge with promise for me. What if I choose intentional living? What if I wake up every morning with a plan for the day, and then move forward with the intent to finish the tasks on my plan? Two weeks into 2013, I already failed—at least some days. Other days, I checked off everything on my list. Life gets in the way. Circumstances prevent me from finishing all I want to do. Prioritizing helps get the most important things completed. When I want to beat myself up over what I didn’t do, I shift my mindset. Is there a good reason I didn’t finish, or did I just not do it?
Grace with intentional living
If the Lord can show grace toward me, I can give myself some mercy too. Instead of chastising myself, I simply push forward. That important thing I didn’t do becomes my top priority for the next day. And tomorrow, I wake up and move into the morning intentionally.
Loved your article. I totally relate. This is the year for INTENTIONAL LIVING.
Your an inspiration!
Connie Welch
Connie, Thank you. You’re on the right path.